Hook and Headline

Hook and Headline

As Seen On... (you can delete this section if it doesn't apply to you)

Does this sound familiar?

  • You know the importance of...(describe problem #1 using real life moments)

  • You're ready to...(describe problem #2 using real life moments)

  • You don't like...(describe problem #3 using real life moments)

  • You LOVE your (fill in) and want to spend more time (action) and less time worrying about (pain points). You just need a cheat sheet for all the (pain point) so you can focus on what you're great at!

Hey, I'm (your name)!

(Share your qualifications and why they would want to listen to you or proof your product/service is amazing)!!!

(Talk about how you used to have the same problem as them, and how you were able to overcome it.)

You don’t need (solve the problem by themselves) you just need to hang out with people who already have.

The first step is to download this totally free (name of your opt-in.) And since you'll be joining me on my email list, (describe the benefit they will get.)

Learn how to (insert the promise of what your opt-in will help them with)...

  • When you have something to (insert situation 1)

  • When you're (insert situation 2)

  • When you want to (insert situation 3)

  • When it's time to (insert situation 4)

  • When you're (insert situation 5)

It wasn’t until I began teaching painting classes online and then coaching women in their businesses that everything changed for my family. 

Suddenly I could reach more people and make more sales, without increasing my hours. After years in the painting business, it was WILD the success I had when I added coaching...like nothing I had seen or even imagined was possible!

I was able to bring my husband home from his day job, and we finally had the time and financial freedom we'd been looking for.

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